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Stephen Feeney
May 31, 20172 min read
Become an exceptional leader through the GOLDEN MEAN.
Some people are all or nothing. They have to hit something a 100mph and go all in. I used to be like this with my training, it resulted...
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Stephen Feeney
May 22, 20173 min read
How good are you at managing your emotions
Emotional intelligence is becoming a hot topic in the world of business. To be honest, it should be applicable across the board and...
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Stephen Feeney
May 11, 20172 min read
Dealing with the elephant in the room
We all have our fair share of life problems and issues along the way. One thing I've learnt is that when something comes up, it's best...
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Stephen Feeney
Feb 23, 20172 min read
Are you a pretender or a performer?
Self-awareness is something that is taking more precedence in today's society. Most people tend to repeat similar actions and end up...
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Stephen Feeney
Jan 14, 20172 min read
Environment boosts performance
Having the right frame of mind is one thing. However, if you want to get up to speed quickly the best way is to get stuck in with the...
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Stephen Feeney
Sep 9, 20161 min read
Thinking outside of the Box
I know a lot of people that wish to excel in their given areas. It's fantastic to see their drive and passion. However, the way in...
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Stephen Feeney
Aug 25, 20162 min read
How destructive is your mindset? A simple approach on how you can change it.
The elements of Self-Belief is something I've worked heavily on for many years. I've tried to continue doing this to myself every day...
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Stephen Feeney
Aug 4, 20161 min read
How Emotions propel you forward and drag back through life.
So what is it? It is the ability to recognise our own feelings and others. Then knowing how to use that information best to guide your...
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Stephen Feeney
Jul 25, 20162 min read
How Perception and Awareness will ensure you climb to the top and achieve excellence.
I find it amusing writing about this now as I teach it to my students. It wasn't something that was taught to us even at the highest...
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Stephen Feeney
Jul 11, 20162 min read
The two most impactful strategies high performers use to achieve results that ensure they always get
We recently saw Andy Murray win the Wimbledon title for the second time. Andy does have all the right attributes to be the best player...
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Stephen Feeney
Jul 5, 20162 min read
Three key points on why failure is the best medicine for growth.
We all fail at something and multiple stages throughout life. The majority of our lives we are taught to be risk adverse and show that...
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Stephen Feeney
Jun 27, 20163 min read
Invaluable lessons we can learn as youths from David Cameron during Brexit about Emotion, Perspectiv
In the last week, there have been some dramatic shifts in how the future of this country will be shaped. How can one person's actions...
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Stephen Feeney
Jun 13, 20161 min read
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
Great piece on Perception and Awareness on how it affects our Reality. Twenty-four hundred years ago, Plato, one of history’s most famous...
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Developing Sports Performance in World Class Athletes and Teams
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