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The aim for most athletes is to compete at the highest level possible and win.  Getting from the start of the season to the end is a huge challenge. Sometimes there are issues that arise which can destroy a whole season or have a detrimental effect on your selection and performance.  These are some of the areas that we can address and introduce when working with you. Each programme is tailored to the need of the athlete.  Below are some of the areas we can address and develop outcomes for.



Problems Addressed

- Stress

- lack of improvement

- compares self to others

- focused on outcomes

- illness

- injury

- overwhelm

- mental and/or physical exhaustion

- Frustration

- Selection

- Distracted

- Misunderstood

- Inconsistency in performance and training

- focused on Problems

Outcomes Implemented

- Calm

- Adaptable

- Team focused

- Rational approach

- Proactive on Health

- Proactive on Maintenance

- Ability to manage

- Mentally and physically stable

- Composed

- Focused on the process

- Focused on the process

- Clear communicator

- A steady increase in performance

- solution focused

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