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Writer's pictureStephen Feeney

How ego can tear down the very best athletes.


Ego is a significant factor in sporting performance. It can be the difference between being good and being great in many cases. However, if left unchecked, the ego will destroy sporting performance as demonstrated by athletes such as Lance Armstrong or Tiger Woods. Here we will explore the psychological impact of an excessive sense of self-importance and what it means for you.

How ego can be both a benefit and a detriment to sporting performance.

Ego can be both a benefit and a detriment to sporting performance. For example, the excessive focus on one's self-importance and need for validation can lead to a lack of focus and attentiveness, which would be detrimental to performance. On the other hand, an individual with too little ego might not care enough about their performance or about winning, and this would also affect performance.

There are different types of ego which can be helpful or harmful to performance. One type of ego is the healthy type which is based on self-confidence and leads to a constructive attitude. Another type of ego is the unhealthy type which is based on arrogance and leads to destructive behaviour. It is important to be aware of the different types of ego in order to understand how they can affect your performance.

Ego can vary in terms of power, intelligence and morality. For example, an athlete might have too much power and not enough intelligence and this would be extremely detrimental to their performance. Similarly, an individual with a high moral ego would care about fairness.

Athletes who have allowed ego to destroy their performance.

One example is of an athlete who had an excessive sense of themselves that their ego was the only thing that mattered. Their name is Tiger Woods. Tiger Woods had a carefree attitude about everything and didn't take responsibility for his actions. He was able to get away with many things due to his stature in the world of golf.

However, when he had a very public affair with another woman, it changed how people viewed him. He later admitted to using substances before playing some of his matches and not always cooperating with drug tests. This wasn't something new for Tiger Woods though because he was previously accused of breaking the rules before by hitting from the wrong tee box on at least one occasion.

He began to lose sponsorships because they didn't want to be associated with someone who had a tarnished image. Tiger Woods was no longer the perfect role model that they wanted their company to be linked with.

How to deal with ego in sports teams.

Athletes need to be able to give their teammates credit when they do well. The egos of these athletes can get inflated when they constantly receive praise for everything that they achieve and it makes them believe that the accomplishment was due entirely to themselves. This can lead to a lack of team spirit because no one else is getting any credit.

When a team wins, the members should all celebrate together. This allows everyone to feel a sense of accomplishment and makes them feel like they are part of something special. It also shows that the team is more important than the individual players.

1. Set clear guidelines for acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

2. Make sure everyone is aware of the team's goals and objectives.

3. Encourage players to focus on their own performance rather than on how they compare to others.

4. Celebrate success as a team, rather than singling out individuals.


There are many different ways to manage egos in sports teams. The key is to find the right approach for your team and to make sure that everyone is on board with the plan. By keeping egos under control, you can focus on achieving the best and ultimately delivering as a team.

For more information and advice, please visit our website or contact us directly.


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